The Blog


Diane Bies Diane Bies

Celebrate the Mana Moments

Mana means magical or spiritual (it’s a Polynesian word). I love the idea of celebrating those moments. Moments to me are the small treasures, the ones we often take for granted. We are in a season of life where the small moments are worth celebrating and we need those moments!

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Diane Bies Diane Bies

Resilience & Clarity

I have had the opportunity to meet up with so many friends (who happen to be co-workers and truly are my family) for coffee and lunch over the past few weeks. The common theme between all of them- resilience. I shouldn’t be surprised how truly resilient they all are, as we work in a 24/7 and 365 day industry.

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Diane Bies Diane Bies

Take it or Leave it.

I heard a great podcast this week about what are you taking with you from quarantine to adopt into your post COVID-19 life and what are you leaving behind. It left me thinking. We have adapted into new routines, home offices, more zoom calls, less interactions, and we have found out that we are just fine.

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Diane Bies Diane Bies

Today is Different

I haven’t been to church in a while. For some reason I have felt more spritual and called to church this weekend. On Sunday I watched the online version of church (COVID 19 quarantine style) from a church I use to go to. It was refreshing and hopeful. I took away two perspectives.

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Diane Bies Diane Bies

Leading a Team through Trauma

I saw a great post today - viruses are contagious but you know what so are smiles, positive energy, and hope. I know first hand how hard it is to put a smile on your face an act like it’s all going to be okay when you are not sure it is. Here are some ideas and tips to help you lead your team through the unpredictable.

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Diane Bies Diane Bies

How to Ace an Interview….

Only 35% of those that apply for a job get an interview. So take the interview process very seriously! Here are some tips to help you prepare.

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Rachel Davis Humphries Rachel Davis Humphries

New Year, New Calendar

I love a new year, a fresh start, a new outlook. It’s always so refreshing to me. I am not one to set big goals or resolutions in fact I think the opposite. Don’t set yourself up to be disappointed. I do try to do 1-3 monthly goals all year long. That way I feel so great at the end of each month when I accomplish the goals. I just appreciate a re-set that comes with a new year. We all need it!

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