Today is Different

I haven’t been to church in a while. For some reason I have felt more spritual and called to church this weekend. On Sunday I watched the online version of church (COVID 19 quarantine style) from a church I use to go to. It was refreshing and hopeful. I took away two perspectives.

  1. Be a Follower. You know I have not been a follower in a long time. I have been the leader for so long, it’s taken me some time to adjust to being a follower. With the hospitality industry hit so hard, I find myself following and being a part of small army (that feels like we are in war) than a leader. Maybe now more than ever you have to find comfort in being a follower because you have been laid off or furloughed or your work has changed. Maybe now you find yourself being more spiritual or religious and a follower of faith. Being a follower can make you a stronger leader when the world settles. Being a follower can bring you rest, teach you how to persevere, help you gain courage and creativity. Do not doubt the rewards with being a follower.

  2. Fresh Faith. I think back to the middle of February when work was overwhelmingly busy, when economy was booming, when I was planning trips and house renovations. Then I think about how far away that seems and by March 7th my world seemed to be turned upside down. The unknown was the scariest part. Not being able to see past one week let alone a month. That unknown still exists. On Monday this week I thought May was going to be the month we recovered and today is Wednesday and now I am hopeful it’s June that is the month. What I do have is fresh faith. I was called to church and to ths computer because of hope. I am faithful we are all going to emerge better people, healthier people (mentally, I know we are all eating goldfish and ice cream). And most importantly I am faithful we will all be more courageous and versatile.


Take it or Leave it.


Leading a Team through Trauma