Bies Consulting

Yes, that’s pronounced “Bees!”

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Diane Bies, Managing Partner

What do I love about events and career coaching…the people! A key to my success has always been my ability to cultivate authentic relationships. I spent 18 years in hotels creating flawless events from 10 people to 12,000 people.

I was the Director of Events at the largest Marriott in the World, Gaylord Opryland. During these years I oversaw 70 employees and managers and an annual revenue stream of $100 Million Dollars. At the core of leading this large, diverse team was coaching and training.

I have assisted with training for many local companies and that was a big reason for the launch of the Bies Consulting. I officially launched Bies Consulting the beginning of 2020 with a few coaching clients and some speaking engagements on the books (before COVID shut down the world). What I found out quickly was a customer base for events. Bies Consulting has continued to grow and now has three main services: career coaching, training and event planning. In 2021, I choose to take a step away from my tenure of hotel events so I could get into corporate events and currently work in healthcare. This also gives me more time for my Bies Consulting clients.

I am based in Nashville, Tennessee but still consider myself an Ohioan! I grew up in Ohio and my family still lives there. I have a Bachelors of Business Administration from Belmont University and Masters of Professional Studies from MTSU.  I am a certified Behavior Analyst, DISC. I am married to the best Italian cook and NY sports fan, Mike.

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Mike Bies, Managing Partner

My focus will always be the details in the business that leads to customer success.

Currently I am the Director of Product and oversee a small team, product services and ensure client needs are met and exceeded. I am the man behind the scenes that handles project management, accounting and budget needs for Bies Consulting. I have also been known to do some catering for private events.

I attended Roanoke College and studied Business Administration in between playing lacrosse. I am certified in CRCR. I love to cook, especially Italian. I love to select great wines and cocktails for our clients and partake in them too. On the weekends you can catch me on the lake fishing. I am married to the best planner in all things life, Diane.

Let’s work together

Motivation comes from within, and I’m here to help you activate it.