How to Ace an Interview….

Only 35% of those that apply for a job get an interview. So take the interview process very seriously! Here are some tips to help you prepare.

  1. Make sure to print copies of your resume. At least six. If you have access use a cardstock and if your resume has color make sure it’s printed with color.

  2. Bring a notebook and pen. A padfolio is a nice touch and you can buy one at Walgreens for $12. If you get the job it’s great for meetings.

  3. Write out your questions in the notepad ahead of time. Make sure to have at least five questions.

  4. You should have one question that relates to the company culture and one question that relates to development opportunities. Be creative with your questions. Don’t ask questions in your first interview about silly things- do I get an office, do I get a cell phone.

  5. Look Sharp!!! Dress professionally. Even if it’s a casual office, unless you are specifically told to dress casually you should always look your best. If you don’t get the job it will not be because you are overdressed. You can never be over dressed at an interview.

    1. I suggest a dress or suit. Men should always wear a jacket (tie is optional but again you can never be overdressed).

    2. If you want to show your personality think about accessories, color of your shirt. That’s a great (small) way to express yourself.

    3. Shoes are important. Make sure you have dress shoes on and that they are clean and look sharp.

  6. Smile!! I worked with a leader that hired front line associates and she always said I always looked to see if they smiled. The one thing I can’t teach you is how to smile.

  7. Write a hand written thank you note after the interview. Send a note to everyone you met with. Emails work too but a hand written note is very elegant. Think about everyone you came in contact with. I interviewed a candidate that sent a thank you note to our receptionist because she was kind to her when she was nervous and got her a water. As the hiring manager that really struck me that she took the time to thank our receptionist.


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