Celebrate the Mana Moments

Mana means magical or spiritual (it’s a Polynesian word). I love the idea of celebrating those moments. Moments to me are the small treasures, the ones we often take for granted. We are in a season of life where the small moments are worth celebrating and we need those moments!

Here are a few of my Mana Moments that I am grateful for and take an opportunity to recognize the mana in them! As you can see they may seem small but for me they were magical at just the right time.

  1. Spending a week in Ohio. I spent 7 full days with parents, sister, niece, and brother in law. I usually get home for a quick weekend but to spend 7 days was a new type of visit. With Covid there wasn’t much to do and at first I thought I may be bored. My mom and took a walk each day in a park that I grew up by but had never been before. I was never bored and will cherish this time I got to spend.

  2. I wanted to join a book study, small group, or something that got me out with a community of women and was based around reading. I did some research and had a hard time finding a group that fit my schedule until a friend just yesterday sent me a message. Her neighborhood group is now inviting in friends of the neighbors and they select books based on inspiration and courage! The day, the group, the book theme were a perfect match.

  3. My mother in law spends the summers in a cottage on a lake in Pennsylvania. My husband drives her up and drives her home every year. This will be the first year I am able to join him and although the reason for joining is not a happy one, events are not happening and work is slow it’s still a magical moment. This maybe the only time I ever have to get to make this trip and see the cottage so I am taking it as a mana moment!


The Last 4, The Best 4


Resilience & Clarity