Take it or Leave it.

“There is a voice that doesn’t use words. Listen.” - Jalal ad-Din Rumi

I heard a great podcast this week about what are you taking with you from quarantine to adopt into your post COVID-19 life and what are you leaving behind. It left me thinking. We have adapted into new routines, home offices, more zoom calls, less interactions, and we have found out that we are just fine.

Personally, I would like to leave behind zoom calls! I know they are the way of the future and have carried many companies through these past few months. I just can’t doodle while I am on them.

What am I taking with me? All of the good habits I have formed. Drinking more water, getting more sleep, eating more homemade meals, taking my vitamins, and getting up early to workout. I know getting up early will become even earlier once I am back in the office. I know the importance or how it truly impacts by day.

What am I leaving behind? The more!!! I use to want more, do more, try for more. Everything was more, more, more. I have learned to get by with less. Spend less, be out of the house less, not rush to everything and everywhere or squeeze in seeing a friend. It’s brought me peace to handle less.


Resilience & Clarity


Today is Different