4 Things You Can Do to Start Being a Better Boss Today

It’s lonely at the top is right! My best practices to beat the loneliness and show up every day inspired and ready to kick ass.

  1. Mediate

    Don’t believe me?! What about Oprah, Jerry Seinfeld, Marc Benioff, and Ariana Huffington? They all swear by it. Every morning takes 3-5 minutes to mediate. I recommend Headspace. They have guided meditations and a daily theme, and they have plenty of 3- and 5- minute ones to get you started. You start your day in a good headspace and clear your mind.

  2. Gratitude

    Every night I lay in bed and list the 5 things I am grateful for each day. Some days it will be easy and others it will be hard. I find myself during the day recognizing things I am grateful for so they can be on my nightly list. It’s a practice that shows you’re the positive in things and there is plenty every day to be grateful for.

  3. Take Time After Work for YOU!

    I give a lot of myself at work to my team, clients, executives and find myself exhausted at nights. I don’t run errands after work or go to happy hour in fact I have a strict no week night rule. I keep that time sacred. I need that me time to re-charge, not be rushed, and most importantly get to bed a decent an hour. I look forward to dinner with my husband those nights and I have clients that say the same thing about their families. When they get home those weeknights are dedicated to bath time and story time.

  4. Set Boundaries at Work

    I have two boundaries. First one is I eat lunch in my office alone. Close the door, minimize my computer screen, and take 30 minutes to each lunch and read. I learned a long time ago going to lunch with the team was not relaxing. We always need up talking about work and I needed some time in the day for me. If you don’t have an office, find a spot outside or inside where you can eat alone and read or make a grocery list. Some time for you. It helps you recharge for the rest the of the day. My second boundary is as soon as I pull in my driveway, the work day has ended. No more stressing bout that goal, or customer. My driveway is my physical boundary of leaving work for the day. I use my commute to return calls and sometimes think about work and ideas and solutions. For me it’s my driveway that ends the day. A business coach shared this with me years ago to set this boundary for your physically and mentally and it’s the best boundary you will ever have.

Just a few best practices I know you will see benefits from. Start with one and do it for a week then second and build up. Give yourself time to adapt to new practices.

Rachel Davis Humphries

Since 2016, I’ve provided elevated brand and web design for small businesses and entrepreneurs from my studio here in Charlotte, North Carolina. My mission is to breathe new life into your brand using my years of experience and intimate knowledge of the online service space, and then to empower you with the tools and knowledge you need to quickly, easily, and affordably maintain it as your business continues to grow.


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